Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Mr. President Himself at Karagwe

This was the coming of H.E Mrs. President himself in Karagwe district he is kind person, why after he stepped out of the podium he went direct to see a sick person at neighborhood simply I love my president so much, though the weather condition wasn’t friend but he managed to visit sick people in heavy rain and foggy weather as seen in the footage below he is aware some and one of a kind. This was all what was going on in Karagwe he realized the new built Tamaki road from Misenye district to Karagwe district this infrastructure is connecting three countries Tanzania to Rwanda, Burundi and Uganda so economic growth is to raise rapidly in this region 
Sorry the Video will be uploaded tomorrow the network is not good today

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Reference from books

From book there is useful info on frequent use of wheelchair  riders the importance of frequent weight shifting, just take a careful look at the dawn diagram below and you can help people with the same problem in you area in any case you can choose  the best image to use in one of the diagram as illustrated just follow the instruction carefully . By reading the book i managed to help my grand father to gain a relief, Is no useful to only PWDs but older people are also falling on the use of this technique  main for reduction of Low Back Pain (LBP) just like what physiotherapist would instruct his client of the same problem (where there is no Doctor) simply because we all born to Love each other so do your best to assist others too and of the best way is sharing information to the mostly free.

Diagram A.
Diagram B.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Child with disability in world of chain of value

Is the comparison of disability equity in the community of chain of value is a real strategy of challenge compared to whatever type of disability client may have, take a good look at the image below in order to see where the majority would choose to be, is it true about the Cerebral Palsy CP (intellectual impairment) to be the deadliest type of Disability in the entire planet ? In holistic way thing a different albinism is the  deadliest in my region simply because of superstition believes from witch craft they are hunted down in poor believes that their disability is wealth .Education is really required in my region/country to make people believe that this is not true by proving  witch Dr. wrong in the whole East Africa and the world at large.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Never seen before

Anastasia Boniface born on Rugu village 40 kilometer from Kayanga small township of Karagwe District in Kagera Region  aged 3 months never seen something like this before, so i don't know what is all about the swelling thing inside that little girl. Medical experts in our village do not recognize the kind of swollen thing right in the middle of eyes the father ran away after the girl's problem seemed to to be a threat in the community of Nyambo tribe. The mother is just sitting back at home waiting for anybody familiar with her daughter's problem this is really sad for daddies how run problems at the home instead of sitting and solve things up they just choose escaping them and this is very common in my area sometime i see like some men are a little bit cowered  if not so why do they run😒😖.
Helping people is automatic from people with God fear heart or Good humans this family is real in  worse condition using  my own camera i took a picture to share with the world and this is real situation in Itera,Karagwe village father ran away just to escape the wrath of hard life which is going on in this family,  i just ask for your prayer can make things change believe me. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Itera/@-1.5059569,30.9188742https://www.google.com/maps/place/Itera/@-1.5059569,30.9188742,15z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x19dbd3c0d59135b9:0xf9b40bc193fbc5ae!2sKaragwe!3b1!8m2!3d-1.5036895!4d30.9876321!3m4!1s0x19da549d09647a87:0x732e4fce102915d7!8m2!3d-1.5059567!4d30.9276295
The boy name Zabron got accident when he was 8 months living with his father at Bugene village in Karagwe district, The accident happened when he kicked the small locally made, kerosene lantern well known in Swahili as (Koroboi) at midnight of 1:am in 23/5/1996.
This led to spread of kerosene on the bed followed with hot flames that happened to cause loss of both of his left-limbs and now his has grown up to a big boy, Good enough the boy managed to make his own clutches using local materials like coffee tree branches now the boy is dreaming to be a Carpenter so he can make more furniture by using his two remaining right side limbs as seen on the image bellow. 

Thursday, November 2, 2017

This is how much roads do to the FWD vehicle on the way to chamchuzi village near Rwanda 

 If this to a 4WD what of 2WD?

Shoes on hand no kidding things are  bad may my president see this